Speaking Your Truth Frees Your Spirit

February 14, 2018

How often have you wanted to say something,
but you held back, letting the moment pass?
Maybe you thought, “It’s not that important,”
“I might hurt their feelings,” “They might get upset.”
It really all boils down to one word: Fear.
Fear of being judged, misunderstood, rejected.

It’s taken me years to finally arrive at the point in my life
where I have the courage, yes, it takes courage,
to speak my truth without undue worrying about
“What will they think?”
And, I can attest, it frees my spirit!
A wise spiritual teacher said, “With enough love,
you can say anything.” And, she did!

Speaking your truth can be something as small as,
“Love to join, but feeling tired and a need for rest.”
Or, something potentially life changing,
“We need to talk about our relationship.”
Each time we speak our truth, it gets easier.
Soon it won’t seem so scary and becomes second nature.

The key is to speak your truth with loving kindness.

Recently, a friend “unsubscribed” from my mailing.
A pang of hurt shot through me, “How could she?”
I always read her mailings and often commented.
Finally, I sent her a short note saying I decided
to no longer feel hurt and I loved her anyway.
I had no idea what, if any, reply I’d get.
A few days later I received a warm reply.
She expressed appreciation for my honesty and explained
she needed to simplify her business and life.

What was important was not her reply.
What was important is speaking my truth freed my spirit.

It takes courage to speak your truth.
It takes love and it takes practice.
But, it’s so worth it.
Try it, and free your spirit!

"The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt