Reflections on ‘Work’

August 18, 2014


Work. Not hands on action oriented, physical work, but sit down
in a quiet place contemplative inner work.
Hard to believe that the latter can be harder to do than the former.
We’d much rather be rushing around checking off our ‘to do’ list on a daily basis,
than sit down for 20 minutes to check in with our self,
our Higher Self, Inner Wisdom.
Believe me, I still struggle with this all the time,
though I’ve made at leastsome progress over the years.

I remember when I was in the throes of climbing the corporate ladder days
and I would go visit my mom for the weekend.
Sometimes I’d get there Friday night, sometimes Saturday morning.
I’d leave by Sunday afternoon, so the time was limited.
Nonetheless, I’d bring a big legal size case chock full of files for me to read
and go over to get a head start on the new work week.

Thinking back on those days, I am saddened I didn’t simply
leave my work behind, literally, and be fully present for the time I had with Mom.
As the years passed and I went to visit Mom from Beijing,
those hectic corporate days were behind me, but
Mom was much older, and not up to going about much.
Thankfully, I know she understands, and she understood then.

The temptation to rush around or keep busy is not only
with our work, our job, our career,
it’s also with all we do for self development.
Over the years I’ve attended countless personal/professional seminars/workshops/talks.
I likely qualify as a “seminar/workshop junkie”.
I love the learning, intellectual stimulation and interacting with
like-minded and like-hearted people.

Now, in addition to all the inspiring live events, we are inundated with emails
offering all kinds of wonderful free tele seminars and webinars.
It all can be overwhelming.

All the more reason to slow down, sit down, tune out the external world,
and listen (for a change) to the most wonderful, valuable
and inspiring teacher of all, our own Inner Self.

"The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt