The Next New Stage of My Life

July 6, 2016

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As I sit on my balcony, overlooking the pool and palm trees,
I am in wonderment that I am now living in a beautiful 5-star resort setting!
I dreamed and envisioned a place like this,
and repeated the words to myself daily for a year.
Yet, somewhere in the back of my mind
I had doubts lurking, doubting whether it’d really be possible.

I am here to attest that the wonder and power of our subconscious mind
is truly awesome and amazing.
Even when your conscious mind is in doubt,
if you can harbor your desire deep in your heart,
then this seed can sprout into reality.
Indeed, this is what happened with my memoir.
I had secretly wished it would be a best seller,
yet not consciously daring to dream that it would,
let alone be #4 best seller on Amazon (ahead of Ariana Huffington)!

I’ve moved many times in my life, likely close to two dozen,
and never lived in the same dwelling for more than five years,
or in the same city for more than ten (Beijing was just under ten).
Moving is a great time to ‘clean out the clutter’ and a great time for a fresh start.
I love new beginnings (think this should be a future talk topic).

Clearing out “stuff” is much more than just a physical clearing,
it also clears the mind and energy
and allows new and exciting people and things to flow into our life.

I am ready for this next, new exciting stage of my life.
As I like to say, “Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life!”

"The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt