Are You Making the Most of Each Stage?

February 14, 2018

Have you ever asked yourself what stage of life you’re at,
and how to make the most of it?  Likely not.
Most likely you’re too busy living life to ask yourself this introspective and contemplative question.
Yet, if you were to do so, you could find
your own answer surprisingly insightful.

Before I began writing my memoir,
I spent a lot of time thinking back on my life.
I could clearly see the distinct stages I moved through.
I am now living what I call the 5th stage of my life.
This stage began when I moved back to the U.S. in 2010
after living in Beijing for a decade.

You may ask, why is it helpful to identify
what stage of life I’m living?
It’s helpful because it can give you a “framework”
to gain perspective on the stages you’ve already lived
and to consciously make choices
for the stage you’re currently living.
Simply viewing our current stage as one more
in our journey of life,
with it’s own set of challenges and opportunities,
can help us make more satisfying choices.

For me, this stage of my life has been gifted
by a granddaughter who just turned four.
I now have the freedom and time to spend with her
that I didn’t with my older two grandchildren,
as I was living in Beijing.
The time spent with my little one is precious time,
to be fully enjoyed and cherished.

This is not to say I have relinquished my desire
to get out and share my message: “It’s Never Too Late!”
But setting my priorities and consciously making my choices
helps me to feel at peace and contented.
And that’s a great feeling!

Go ahead, ask yourself,
“Am I making the most of this stage of my life?”

"The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt