A Touching Insight

March 25, 2016

For DTDOA book 14 copy

Scattered throughout my book I have about a dozen passages I’ve titled “Reflections”
which a number of people have told me they especially enjoy.
A highly recommended editor I paid to read an early draft told me
I didn’t need these reflections.
So glad I didn’t listen to her and instead listened to my own intuition.
My plan is to post these Reflections from time to time, maybe once a week.
Love to have your thoughts and comments.

The following passages are from my second chapter “A Daughter’s Dream” and the subchapter “A Touching Insight”:

“A few weeks after I’d written about my home perms and homemade dresses,
a startling realization came to me.
I’ve never questioned why it’s always been important to me
to look polished and “put together.”
I simply accepted that this is the way I am,
and I’ve received many compliments along the way.

Out of the blue, it struck me that inside the well-coifed and
stylishly dressed woman, there’s a little girl
who remembers her frizzy hair and homemade dresses,
and subconsciously determined that,
one day, she’d have great hair and be well dressed!

Reflection : This was a touching insight for me.
I never knew why my hair and clothes have always been such a focus for me,
why they are such an important part of my self-image.
Having this realization and insight enables me to have more self compassion
and self understanding, less self judgement,
and to be more fully accepting of myself just the way I am.”

If you haven’t yet read my book, please check out the many 5-star reviews on Amazon
And if you’ve already read it, would love for you to write a review, thank you!

"The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt